David Ransanz

About David

Niñato‘ is the stage name of David Ransanz, a rapper from Madrid. For six years, David Ransanz has been recorded by his friend the filmmaker Adrián Orr, along with his sister, his daughter, his nephews and his grandmother. This whole family that lives together on two adjacent floors, with ‘Niñato‘ as the father figure of the three children, Oro (a charismatic boy who points out a potential as a rapper), Mía and Luna.

With the first material in 2013 they released the short film ‘Buenos días, resistencia’; but Orr felt that there was more to tell, and so he made ‘Niñato‘ (2017), a feature documentary chosen as the best international film at the BAFICI in Buenos Aires and the rapper himself presented in the 4th edition of our festival in Amsterdam, followed by a live show!

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